Showing people that Jesus cares by meeting needs of food insecurity leading toward growth in Jesus.
5,000 Meals served to our community
500 Prayers for the spiritually hungry
50 Testimonies for lives changed
Establish a Relationship with a church plant we identify
1,500 Meals served to our community
12 Testimonies for lives changed
Every member praying for at least one person who doesn’t know Jesus
Always praying for God’s guidance towards His will for Lyndale, knowing that because of the advancing age and declining numbers of the congregation, we must make plans for the future in order to continue to exist. We can continue to contribute to God’s work in North Chesterfield and Richmond.
We can’t stop getting older; but we can learn to grow younger. We need to make changes in order to do the work God’s calling us to do, make adjustments to our preferences and take appropriate risks to reach new people.
Lyndale will be a blessing to a church that is in need of a facility and the resources we have to offer. We will continue, and enhance our focus on our mission of feeding the hungry and providing for those in need. Lyndale will be on a journey to arrive at the fulfillment of our vision. This will be a long process that will take planning, time, work and commitment. It will take sacrifices and concessions. The process may shift over time as we complete tasks and course-correct so that we can stay on track moving forward.
Our vision for the next 3-5 years is to be and grow the church God has called us to be by mee􀆟ng real needs in the community (with a focus on food insecurity and prayer) in a way that leads to growth toward Jesus for the first 􀆟me or a life􀆟me.
We dream of serving over 5000 meals in the next 3 years, offering up over 500 prayers for the spiritually hungry and see God move in at least 50 testimonies of changed lives from the meals and prayers.
In order to help us reach our goal and transfer our faith and ministry legacy to the next generation we will also seek a partnership with a Baptist church plant committed to the Lyndale area and compatible with our vision to meet real needs in our community with a goal of a lasting partnership and eventual adoption in the 5-10 year window.
Ministry Focus and Community Impact
We will bring focus to our ministries, continue to work with our strengths, and invest in our community dinners as a ma􀆩er of ministry by offering prayers and compassion to those who come. We will focus on what we do well, missions and feeding those with food insecurities. Our goal is to grow and promote our community dinners. Our 3-year goal is to serve 5000, meals, 500 prayers and 50 testimonies.
Our 3-year vision is to establish a relationship with a church plant we identify. We will partner with them to help advance the kingdom of God and the mission of Christ in our area. We will preserve our core identity and be open to what our church plant partner has to offer. We will partner with them on missions and community projects while integrating our cultures over time.
Organizational Structure
Simplify our organizational structure by restructuring our by-laws and policies to
streamline our systems so decisions can be made quickly and efficiently.
Relational Training
Provide relational training
for all of our members with the goal being to educate and help us interact with the church plant and guests that enter our church.
Food Insecurity & Community Impact
Continue with our strengths to invest in our community by offering food, prayers and compassion. Over 3 years to serve 5000 meals, 500 prayers and 50 testimonies.
Church Plant Partnership
To establish a relationship with a church plant we identify. We will partner with them to help advance the kingdom of God and the mission of Christ in our area. We will preserve our core identity and be open to what our church partner has to offer. We will partner with them on missions and community projects.
Vision Sunday & Adoption by Congregation
Begin By-Laws Revision
Relational Training
Continue Community Dinners & Lunch Program to Homeless
Begin Search for a Church Plant
Share your thoughts and ideas about how to reach others in our community. Share your excitement and enthusiasm.